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Part 7
Luyện tập Part 7 - Bài 5
What is true about Kiwiware’s rebate offer?
It expires after 8 weeks.
It must be received by February 2.
It will not be honored after January 1.
It can be redeemed within one year of purchase
What is the total value of Kiwiware’s rebate?
Why did the company reject Marla Strong’s rebate request?
She waited too long to request her rebate
She did not send the proper proof of purchase.
She asked for the rebate to be sent to a post office box.
She included a copy of the receipt instead of the original.
What problem did Maria Strong have when she bought her printer?
No rebate coupons were available.
Her credit card was not accepted.
The printer she wanted was out of stock
Sales staff gave her the wrong information
What has Maria Strong included with her letter?
A label
A coupon
A photograph
A shipping invoice
What does William Cowher say about TechPro Corporation?
Its customers believe strongly in TechPro products.
It has used the same logo and color scheme for many years
It has maintained its focus despite changes in the marketplace.
Its employees are confused about how to use TechPro brand names.
What does William Cowher say about his proposal?
It has not been finalized.
It took two weeks to prepare.
It has been sent to the printer.
It was developed by a team of people
What does William Cowher want Michael Holmgren to do?
Approve the project’s development costs
Examine the proposal and provide feedback
Schedule a meeting to discuss the proposal
Decide who the proposal should be awarded to
How will the proposed corporate standards manual be published?
On the Internet
In several stages
On high-quality paper
In a three-ring binder
Which of the following content areas is the corporate standards manual NOT expected to contain?
Examples of TechPro product icons
Guidelines for internal presentations
A glossary of industry trademark names
Instructions for using corporate colors
What is claimed about Cable Giant Systems?
It has been in business for over 100 years
It operates several major television networks
It provides entertainment and telecommunications services
It is one of the nation’s largest Internet service providers.
What is predicted for Zebra Media Enterprises, Inc.?
It will merge with Cable Giant.
It will become a separate company.
It will be purchased by a larger company
It will begin to look for opportunities in Europe.
What is learned about Joseph J. Hutchinson?
He has a master’s degree in accounting
He previously held a government position
He is expected to begin his job in two weeks.
He is related to one of the founders of Cable Giant Systems.
What will be one of Joseph Hutchinson’s primary responsibilities at Zebra Media Enterprises, Inc.?
Overseeing the company’s finances
Directing the company’s media development
Supervising the company’s investor relations
Managing the company’s corporate infrastructure
What does Joseph Hutchinson say attracted him to the position at Zebra Media Enterprises, Inc.?
The company’s growth potential
The company’s talented employees
The company’s economic foundation
The company’s strategic direction
What is learned about the WPC Co-Op?
It was created by the Wyoming state legislature.
It manages the State Catalog Purchasing Program.
It began as a State-Certified Assistance Organization.
It allows private and public organizations to work together.
Who is eligible to join the WPC Co-Op?
School districts
Government employees
Elected Representatives
State-certified vendors
What is claimed to be a benefit of joining the WPC Co-Op?
It saves time when purchasing products
It guarantees the purchase will be processed
It allows purchasers to buy products on credit.
It establishes a relationship with approved vendors.
Why has Stacie Alexander written to the WPC Co-Op?
To bid on a state contract
To find state-approved vendors
To announce changes in Co-Op policy
To clarify a membership requirement
Which of the following services is NOT provided by the Wyoming Jobs Initiative?
Job training
Health services
Housing assistance
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