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Part 7
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Part 7
Luyện tập Part 7 - Bài 13
Main idea questions will ask you about the primary focus of the reading passage. The main idea may be stated overtly—often near the beginning or end of the passage—or it may be implied, so that you must make an inference by depending on the key words or phrases. Typical main idea questions look like the following: * What is the purpose of the letter? * What is the message about? * What is the main idea of the passage? * Why did the writer send this fax?
What is the purpose of the note?
To extend an invitation
To reply to an invitation
To confirm plans
To cancel plans
Why did Martina Hayes write this letter?
To notify Alice of a change of plans
To ensure Alice knows when and where to meet
To confirm Alice's flight time
To check that Alice knows where the theater is
Detail questions will ask you about specific details regarding the information given in the reading passage. The formats of detail questions will vary as follows: * Who is Collin Baker? * When will they meet? * How long did thev wait for the bus? * Where can they get a permit? * What product is going to be made abroad? * How many times has Mr. Green tried to call John? * Which of the following is NOT mentioned/stated? * What time is the flight leaving?
Which of the following should NOT be on your résumé?
Your name and telephone and fax numbers
The year you received your bachelor's degree
Your nationality and the fact that you are single
A description of tasks performed in your last job
What is true about a resume?
Resumes should be brief but very informative.
A resume should have three-quarter inch margins on both sides.
Important information should be italicized.
An outline of educational background should end with the most recent information.
Inference questions check your ability to use details to draw a logical conclusion based on specific information in the reading. Although the answer is not stated explicitly in the reading passage, the passage will provide you with enough information to choose the correct answer. As in main idea questions and the fact and detail questions, you should look for key words or phrases that will help you to draw a correct conclusion. Typical inference questions may look like the following: * Where did the woman used to live? * How often does the man probably play tennis? * It can be inferred from the passage that...
Based on the information in the passage, to which holiday does the advertisement refer?
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Regal Hotel?
It is going to increase the family rate.
It is going to provide the guests with a free meal.
It is going to allow the guests to cook in their room.
It is going to close down the outdoor pools temporarily.
Cause and effect questions look at the reason for an event or action and its consequences. For this type of question, you may find it helpful to look for expressions such as because (of), due to, owing to, as a result of, and thanks to to focus on cause. Cause and effect questions often take the following forms: * Why is traffic heavy on the highway? * What may happen because of the hurricane? * What caused the shipment to arrive late?
What caused Hilda to feel embarrassed when she took the bus?
She didn't have enough coins.
She kept dropping her coins.
She got off at the wrong stop.
She lost her bus card.
What has been the result of the introduction of bus cards?
Older people are using the bus more frequently.
Older people no longer use buses.
Hilda Braid has dropped her card.
People have complained because the card is too expensive.
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