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Starters, Movers, Flyers, KET, PET
TOEFL Primary, Junior
Toán tư duy Kangaroo
Luyện thi TOEIC
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Trang chủ
Part 7
Luyện tập Part 7 - Bài 10
What was announced yesterday?
A huge loss at the confirmation service
A publication of a new book.
An agreement to sell a company.
An electronic confirmation of share trading
What are the terms of acquisition?
It is unknown at this time.
Will reduce uncertainty for market users
Payments for services rendered.
Two services will merge into one.
What is Happy Accessories?
A jewelry store.
An accessory company.
A financial program.
A plastic knife.
Why can’t Mr. Willis meet Mr. Anderson tomorrow?
He can’t get a flight.
He is not feeling well.
It is the holiday season.
He has to go on a business trip.
What will Mr. Willis do next?
Meet him in Superb Supplies as soon as possible.
Re-schedule the meeting for Monday.
Cancel the appointment altogether.
Reserve a seat on the next available flight
According to the article, what is true about solar power batteries?
It is less powerful than a 9v battery.
It is a better environmental use than batteries
It is lighter than 4 pounds.
It is useless.
What benefits can you get from the solar power battery?
You can save money in the long run.
It costs less than the 9v battery.
It has a wider range of usage.
It is lighter than the 9v battery.
What does the vice president think the people will feel about this product?
He thinks a lot of people will find it useless
He believes he is going to sell 50 million units.
He thinks the people will love it.
He thinks the people will think it’s a very useful product.
What is predicted for the future of this product?
They will have 50 million units worldwide by 2008.
They will have 5 million units in the US by 2008
This will replace the 9v battery.
Everyone will toss their old tent out.
How were orders of video cards in November in comparison to October?
They were 4% lower.
They were 4% higher.
They were 68% higher.
They were 68% lower.
For every $100 worth of orders shipped, what value of orders was received in November?
Who received $75.1 million in orders in November?
European semiconductor manufactures
Asian semiconductor manufacturers.
North American semiconductor manufacturers
Worldwide semiconductor manufacturer industry.
What does Se Joon wish to find out?
The number of classmates he had in 2004
How many people from 2004 wish to attend the reunion.
What his classmates are doing with their lives.
Whether or not a reunion is being held
What does the bottom half of the receipt ask to do?
Send a check or money order.
Write down your phone number, address, and e-mail.
Write all addresses of the classmates you know.
Make a donation.
What did Mr. Fury request?
That his cards be terminated.
He wants new cards.
To terminate the account.
An extension on his credit limit.
What is true about the Marshal credit card?
It can be terminated in 30 minutes.
It has a security system that detects possible misusage of the card
Your local gym can withdraw from the card anytime.
It doesn’t break even if you cut it twice
When will the national consumer reporting agencies be aware of the termination?
In 20 business days.
By the end of October.
As soon as Mr. Fury contacts them.
Within a month.
What was Mr. Fury told to do?
Tell the internet provider and gym he no longer needs their service.
Notify every company that is related to the account, and break the card
Use the cash advance checks that are enclosed.
Call to obtain verbal authorization.
What is said about the documents?
It must-be submitted 3 full days before the travel.
You must hand them in with a color picture of yourself.
You must get the CEO’s signature before turning it in.
You must give them to Karl Mellow.
What is said about the receipts?
They must be the original copy.
You may send a photo copy.
They are to be turned in after the CEO’s signature.
You don’t have to have them, only the ticket stub.
When did Mr. Davidson place his order?
March 12th.
March 14th.
March 7th.
72 hours ago.
What is true about Mr. Davidson’s order?
It has no tax.
It will be shipped tomorrow.
It contains 2 items.
There was problems with the shipping
What is learned about Mr. Davidson's order?
It contained an error.
It was sent to the address on the bottom
It is sent to processing department.
It is the fourth order he has made with the company.
What are the recipients of the letter asked to do?
Sell your share of stocks.
Sign and return the card enclosed with the letter as soon as possible.
Represent your shares.
Come sleep at the Huge Texas Hotel.
According to the letter, what will be discussed at the meeting?
The Huge Texas Hotel.
How many shares you hold.
About last year’s business and plans for the future.
A proposal from the chairman of the board
According to the letter, what is true about the meeting?
It will be held in a week from now.
They will not take comments from the holders
It will be held at a hotel.
All the holders will be present.
Why must the bamboo sticks be removed from the campus?
To prepare for winter.
To donate for research.
To sell the sticks.
They are rotten.
How will the money made from selling the bamboo sticks be used?
To buy new sticks.
To purchase rare plants.
To donate to the plant research foundation
To offer some students scholarships.
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Được học TẤT CẢ các khóa
Trả một lần, học trọn đời
Kích hoạt ngay, học được luôn
Miễn phí ship thẻ toàn quốc
Giá gốc
1,200,000 đ
Giá bán
299,000 đ
Tư vấn qua Messenger
Trò chuyện qua Zalo