Always -------- the shipment before you sign for it.
The trade fair will start -------- Monday of next week.
I --------- to work on time if the bus is late.
The ---------- newspaper article puzzled readers.
Mr. Ngo ------ a trip to the islands until he realized it was hurricane season
Ms. Demera knows how to get ----- the client's office.
Ms. Yi --------- on her secretary to plan her schedule.
I prefer to pay by -------
Each item reflects our effort to --------- the highest quality in our products.
The head of the division will be going to the convention-------- an emergency arises
If we -------- earlier, there would have been tickets available
The rider ------ left his umbrella on the bus can claim it by calling lost-and-found.
Mr. Biancheri could not find his telephone directory, so he --------- one from Ms. Rocher.
I suggest ------- an attorney before proceeding with a lawsuit.
The company -------- not yet answered our complaint.
The Royal Hotel offers -------- accommodations in the city.
The furniture, --------- is being replaced as we redecorate, will be donated to charity.
Every room should have clean sheets, fresh towels, ------- new bars of soap each morning.
Area businesses are encouraged -------- office paper.
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