The housekeeping department needs to order ----------- uniform for its new employee.
The director -------- for his vacation and will not return until next week.
The -------- document describes the new regulations.
The receptionist refused to --------- the package.
The solution they suggested requires ------ the entire department.
Ms. Sirichanya --------- the package when she discovered the address was wrong.
The captain's solutions are usually quite----------
The convention is being held --------- the Greenwood Conference Center.
If Mr. Hu does not arrive soon, we -------- without him.
People in urban areas ------ credit cards for major purchases.
Ms. Quistorf felt hungry, --------- there was nothing at the snack bar she wanted to eat.
The chef greets each of his cooks ----------
She is a good manager ------ biggest asset is her ability to organize a project.
The driver decided to take a detour --------- there was an accident on the highway.
The research division announced it has made --------toward an effective vaccine.
Trying to cut costs by 8% may be -------- task the team has faced yet.
Ms. Rios is interested in learning about the company and --------- her business skills.
The engineer ------- can devise a way to overcome this problem will receive a bonus.
The -------- statement shocked the board members.
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