The restaurant --------- overlooks the river is very popular.
Please take extra soap and towels --------Room312
The waitress suggested that we -------- the spicy chicken
The --------- argument caused everyone to vote in favor of the proposal.
Although it seems unlikely,-------- sometimes influences business decisions.
This long letter will require three ---------
The hotel tries to have fresh flowers --------- the lobby.
Ms. Dubois is the head of our department of research and--------
Both the TV ads ---------the newspaper ads will be withdrawn.
A company cannot survive if losses are always ------- profits.
Guests may select a single room --------- a suite with a bedroom and office.
Ms. Ajai can probably ----------- a way for the computer to run the program.
The new desk, ----------was delivered yesterday, looks wonderful in the reception area.
If Mr. Chi --------the project, it will be finished on schedule.
The chairwoman urged that we ------- a deal with the competitors
The -------- highways in the area make commuting difficult
The passengers------- for a long time before they could be seated
Ms. Barrios -------- to the convention if she can get time off.
The manager made his employees -------- the computer training classes
The meeting will take place -------11:00.
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