People ----------- always willing to switch to a better product.
Our program is----------selling software on the market.
Many companies hire consultants to give --------- on special projects.
Mr. Lee --------his vacation after the project is completed.
Business travelers usually do paperwork ----------their flights.
The person -----------prepared this report has a real talent for writing.
The restaurant will prepare any dish without salt if a guest----------- it.
The Jones Company has a reputation for quality ---------- service.
The pharmacist needed the doctor ----------the prescription before she filled it.
The radio advertisements will start airing _____ Friday.
Effective staff members ---------to instructions.
Mr. Golino has been worrying too much and--------
Both --------- must be on my desk by 3:00 this afternoon.
---------her innovative advertising ideas, she was not promoted.
The offices in the Pacific region --------- their meeting for next month.
The --------participants wanted the meeting to end soon.
Ms. Wei returns all her phone calls-----------
The only room that is large enough is --------- large conference room.
The food must be served -------- it is prepared.
Mr. Stein --------- for the day when the phone call came.
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