Trang chủ / TOEIC 990 / Part 5

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1. Melissa Campanelli, a marketing and technology writer in Brooklyn, comments on the reasons for dotcoms to open a physical store to extend their life ........

2. In the traditional realm of business, you open a retail store first and then launch a website, but since the dotcom revolution, many surviving dotcoms that skipped that first step are realizing the benefits of opening a ....... location.

3. Anyone that has a business plan with a goal of e-commerce needs to ....... that business plan with a retail reality.

4. "We realized very early that we could not exist purely as a dotcom," says Sal Perisano, of iParty Corp, "We knew we needed some terrestrial link, some reality other than a virtual company, to ....... what we were doing."

5. Physical stores give your customers a more convenient way to return goods and try out products — two options analysts say are ....... missing from Net stores.

6. Owning a store offers a natural ....... flow into and out of the store, which allows an entrepreneur to gather names and begin direct-to-consumer marketing programs.

7. However, opening a retail store is an expensive ........

8. For those of you who lack the funding needed to open a retail store right now, try renting a ....... in a local shopping mall.

9. If you do want to set up ......., you should do whatever you can to learn about launching and running a traditional retail business before you do so.

10. Your best ....... is to determine ahead of time whether a multichannel strategy is a good move for your dotcom.

11. This paper by Derek Miers received critical ....... when it was published in 1996, and the issues highlighted are just as relevant today.

12. Over recent years information technology has experienced an unprecedented degree of change, enabling the transformation of the basic ....... of business.

13. Within the next years we will see the emergence of secure, cost-effective electronic payment systems to ....... these technologies.

14. Those waiting for clear signs of this new age before acting will forever be destined to observe from the ........

15. The fundamental opportunity offered by the Internet is for suppliers to gain direct access to consumers without the attendant costs associated with the maintenance of physical distribution channels-- people, bricks and ........

16. Markets and marketing concepts will change radically, driven by those companies who successfully ....... the challenge.

17. 11th-century Europe saw the emergence of credit-based banking systems and financial instruments such as bills of exchange, and these concepts remain with us, in their modified form, ........

18. These basic concepts ....... all modern forms of commerce.

19. The rise of the Internet since the ....... of the World Wide Web has provided an easy-to-use communication channel for businesses to contact current and potential customers.

20. The emergence of the Internet as a general communication channel has also given ....... to the possibility of widespread electronic commerce.

21. Joan Lloyd, of Joan Lloyd & Associates, writes that email is a medium of communication ....... for sheer convenience.

22. However, she warns that it also carries many ....... and even dangers in the office environment.

23. Delivering a negative message is difficult, even when it is spoken face-to-face; ....... is almost guaranteed when it's received by email.

24. What's worse, email can be printed and saved: both parties will often haul out their "documentation" to prove how the other party has ....... them.

25. If you receive an email that ....... you off, and your first reaction is to counterattack, don't; close it and wait 24 hours before you respond.

26. Because the tone and ....... are missing, it is more important to use friendly language, descriptive adjectives and carefully chosen words.

27. If you don't consider how it will sound on the other end and take steps to shape the delivery so the meaning is understood, you could be doing ....... control later.

28. When I get a sloppy email, with poor punctuation, misspelled words or in lower case letters, it tells me the person just doesn't realize that what and how they write ....... their credibility to others.

29. Email feels private, but it's anything ........

30. Write every email for your boss's eyes: it's a great way to keep you honest and ....... sensitive.