From : Woo-young Lim
To : Rita Lawson
Date/Time : July 26 / 11 : 28 : 46
Subject : Upcoming visit and presentation
Dear Ms. Lawson :
Thank you very much for accepting our invitation last week to speak to our advertising staff about successful advertising strategies in urban areas.
Since this time last year, sales of Masery products have fallen 11% in 16 major cities. Therefore, we feel we really need fresh and exciting advertising ideas to attract customers in urban areas. We invited you to speak aobut this because, as head of advertising in our Seattle branch, you played a big role in the recent 6% increase of sales within that city.
Ms. Anna Murray, one of my coworkers in this section, will be at Detroit’s Galveston Airport when you arrive at 9 :10 A.M. on July 31. She will drive you to our headquarters. Your presentation was originally scheduled to begin at 10 :30, but we would like you to move that to 11 :00 as our reginonal marketing directer, Mr. Peter Wilson, would like to hear your talk but will not be availabe before 11 :00. We hope this is not too much of an inconvenience for you.
There will still be time for luch with everyone in our division, and we will be certain that you are at the airport in time to catch your return flight scheduled to depart at 4 :25.
If you have nay concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Again, I thank you and look forward to meeting you on July 31.
Woo-young Lim, Assitant Director
Masery Electronics Advertising
From : Rita Lawson
To : Woo-young Lim
Date/Time : July 27 / 9 :46 :17
Subject : re : Upcoming visit and presentation
Dear Mr. Lim :
Thank you very much for the update. 11 :00 is fine. My presentation should take no longer than an hour and a half. I have some pictures to show for my presentation, so could you please make sure that a projector is available?
I would also like to meet with your regional marketing director separately some time after luch to discuss a few ideas. Please make the necessary arrangements.
I will be out of the office all day today and tomorrow, which means that I probably wont’t be able to check my e-mail untily July 29. If any urgent matters come up requiring my attention, please send a text message to my cell phone at 063-7620-9147, or leave a message with my assistant, Derrick Gravell.
Rita Lawson, Advertising Director
Masery Electronics, Seattle Branch
What is the purpose of the first e-mail ?
In the first e-mail, the word « fallen » in paragraph 2, line 1, is closest in meaning to
What division dose Annay Murray most likely work in ?
Why does Rita Lawson need a projector ?
Who does Rita Lawson request to meet after luch on July 31 ?
Yes, I would like to receive on issue of Various Cultures magazine each month for a year for the low introductory cost of $37.50.
Customer Details
Name : Ken Dion
Mailing Address : 678 Rexton Street, Millville, CA M2G 4J9
E-mail :
Method of Payment
Credit card name/number ___
Check enclosed X
Number of check 1408
With your subscription, you can receive any two items listed below at not extra charge. Please indicate your preferences.
Name of Item |
Product code
White T-shirt |
Winter hat |
Sunglasses |
Backpack |
Extra Comments
I understand that I’m edited to only two items at no cost, but if possible, I would really like to purchase a third item, G18, as a present for my older brother.
To : Ken Dion
From : J. Markey
Subject : subscription to Various Cultures magazine
Thank you very much for deciding to subscribe to Various Cultures. Your first issues will arrive in about two weeks.
At this time, one free item thay you requested, A21, is not in stock. However, once it is available, we will send it to you. We would like to apologize if this inconveniences you in any way. The second free item you selected, J26 will be delivered with your very first issue of Various Cultures.
Concerning you other request, you are certainly welcome to buy any item on the list. All you need to do is send us an e-mail indicating the item and you preferred payment method.
J. Markey
Customer Service Respresentative
Various Cultures magazine
Why dit Mr. Dion submit the form ?
How much did Mr. Dion pay for his supscription ?
What does Mr. Dion indicate in his comment ?
Which item in the e-mail is currently unavailable?
What information is included in Mr. Markey’s response ?