Trang chủ / TOEIC 550 / Part 7

Luyện đọc với single passages | Bài 12

To: Peter Cooke, Headly Electronics

From: Darren Simpson, Customs and Excise Bureau

Re: Shipment

Date: April 2nd

A shipment of 48 refrigerators has now been cleared for collection by the Dover Port Authority Customs and Excise Bureau. This shipment arrived on March 27th. An import tariff of £13 is payable on each item in the shipment. A £13 x 48 that comes to a total of £634. This is payable before the shipment will be released for collection. Payment should be made to Westman Bank, account #223003, account holder: Customs and Excise. Please fax us once payment has been made.

1. What is the purpose of this fax?

2. Who is Darren Simpson?

3. What should Peter Cooke send after paying the import tariff?

Personnel Department News – It gives us great pleasure to announce the appointment of our new vice presidents. As of tomorrow, Marshall and Young, Inc. will have two new vices presidents: Research and Development’s Gary Shepherd and Constance Hayes form the Product Design Department, who were informed of their promotions last Tuesday. Mr. Shepherd, who has been with this firm for ten years, will remain in R&D and will be working with Jordan Jones, Senior VP in that department. Ms. Hayes, who has been a Project Manager in Product Design since joining Marshall and Young five years ago, will be heading up the Consumer Products Department along with Eugene Park, who is transferring from his position as vice president in R&D. We are expecting an exciting year and looking forward to the continued success of Mr. Shepherd and Ms. Hayes.
4. How many people from Product Design were promoted?

5. Who will be leading the Consumer Products Department along with Eugene?

6. When were the new vice-presidents told about the promotion?


To: All Employees

From: Sidney Flanders, Office Manager

Date: September 4

Re: Vacation Days

Since it is never too early to be prepared, I am requesting that all employees promptly submit to their departmental managers any requests for vacation days for the remainder of the year. As you know, the end of the year is our busiest time, and there is always the problem of having to schedule vacations and personal time off around the end-of-year holidays. This is the most popular time for vacations, apart from the summer months, and it takes a lot of time to coordinate. I will work with all departmental managers to see that all vacation requests are honored where possible, except in cases where it is anticipated that the temporary staff will not be able to cover the projected workload. Unfortunately, we will have to request that some employees (generally employees with little seniority) postpone their vacation plans until a more convenient time. Those of you who do not get your first choice of vacation this time round will be given more priority next time. However, please note that this is still not a flat guarantee that you will get your choice, even then. I would like to ask that all requests be made to the appropriate offices before the end of the week. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Rest assured that I will do my very best to accommodate all wishes.

7. Who will be receiving vacation requests?

8. What is true for employees with more seniority?

9. According to the memo, when should requests for vacation time be made?

10. According to the memo, what problem often occurs?