Trang chủ / TOEIC 550 / Part 6

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Wanted: Film Subtitles Coordinator

The duties of this position include working with spotters, translators, computer technicians,---1--- clients to oversee the addition of Japanese subtitles to films. At least three years' experience in the subtitling industry is a must for all applicants. The working hours for this position are flexible,---2--- there will be some compulsory overtime. Candidates need to be able to work well under pressure ---3--- this is a stressful job, especially when working on projects scheduled for worldwide simultaneous release. Interested applicants should submit a current resume and cover letter to RapidTitles by December 15th.



To: subscribe©
Subject: Subscription
Date: March 23 2006
Dear sir,

I have subscribed to PC Land magazine for two years. My subscription expires every January, ---4--- my subscription fees are automatically taken from my bank account by direct debit. This is a method I chose ---5--- it is very convenient and allows me to continue receiving my magazine. Unfortunately, I have not received a single issue of PC Land so far this year. I telephoned customer services at the end of January, and they said I would receive my January issue with my February issue. ---6---, I have received nothing, and it is almost the end of March.
Please sort out this problem, or I will need to ask for a refund.
Harold Windsor

