Trang chủ / TOEIC 550 / Part 5

Incomplete Sentences | Đề Số 19

1. The article ------------------------------- by  a renowned doctor.

2. When their owners leave, pets always wait for --------------------- to return.

3. Although she lives alone, she ----------------------------- not know how to do the laundry.

4. The assistant manager was just ------------------- to manager.

5. The man --------------------- wanted to visit Spain, but never had an opportunity.

6. He lived in a small village ------------------------- moving to the city.

7. It was so cold in the room ------------------ nobody could work.

8. It takes --------------------- time to receive  the products from them that customers have stopped placing orders.

9. They asked ----------they could take the visitors for dinner.

10. Many people become ---------------------- when asked to speak before a group.

11. The woman did not like the dish she ordered and demanded a ------------------- one.

12. Employees are told they ---------------- arrive late to the company.

13. The managers started a new company because they wanted to be ------------------------.

14. Some children feel they must always disagree ----------------------- their parents.

15. Management does not want workers ---------------------- extended lunch breaks.