Product Trial's Review
April 20-- Spotlight: Paper Shredders
Most reviewers agree that cross-cut shredders are more secure than strip-cut
shredders. This is because cross-cut shredders produce paper confetti, which
is more difficult to put back together than the paper strips from strip-cut
shredders. What our reviewers found was that for light-use paper shredders,
the strip-cut models functioned better than the cross-cut models. The
light-use cross-cut models that we tested were prone to paper jams.
Product Trial tested more models made by Shuffle because they make the most
paper shredders of any company. We also noticed that Shuffle receives more
complaints than any company, especially for their light and medium use
models. Heavy use models by Shuffle are known for their quality and
Our favorite paper shredder is the Privacy Solutions PL-7800, which retails
for $120. This cross-cut paper shredder works well, did not jam in any of our
tests, and is well worth the money. The Privacy Solutions PL-7800 is rated
for ten sheets of paper and, although it operated faster with fewer sheets,
it had no trouble with all ten. It can handle about 300 sheets per day. It
can also shred CDs. If you don’t need a CD shredder and have minimal
shredding needs, the Privacy Solutions PL-6100, which retails for $79, is a
good deal.
Which model sells for $58?
What is said about the Shuffle Shred GS-610?
What is claimed about cross-cut shredders?
Which of the following is NOT true about the Privacy Solutions PL-7800?
What is learned about Shuffle?
To: Steve Yang
From: Arthur Goodman
Date: March 3, 20-- 11:02:24 a.m.
Subject: Management Training Sessions
Attachments: goodman_calendar.doc
Hi Steve,
It was good to hear from you earlier today. It's been very busy around here
too. We just finished our job candidate interviews yesterday. This means that
today we will meet to figure out which candidates we would like to talk to
further. It will probably be a long meeting.
I am glad you contacted me about when we can organize this year's executive
management training sessions. It's hard to believe this will be the third
year we've done it. I'm sending you my calendar for the month of April, so we
can pick our dates. As you'll see, I'm pretty open at this point. Once we
have the dates figured out, we should talk about whether we'd like to change
any parts of the curriculum from last time. We should put together an initial
list of people to invite.
I would also like to talk about turning our training materials into a book,
but this is not urgent.
I hope you are well. Thanks for taking the initiative on organizing the third
training session.
Art Goodman
What is the purpose of the e-mail?
What is learned about Arthur Goodman's company?
What can be inferred about the executive management training session?
On which date is the Regional Meeting?