Trang chủ / TOEIC 550 / Part 5

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1. The clients demanded that the doctor's office___earlier.

2. He was not a dutiful son. I wish he____.

3. It is cold now. The homeless child wishes he___in a cosy family.

4. What would you suggest that he___?

5. I wish my wife___better now.

6. He wishes he___the college last year.

7. It it necessary that he___a certificate in English?

8. I demand that I___to retake the exam.

9. I am not a interpreter, but I certainly wish I____.

10. I wish you____quiet a moment, I can't hear what____.

11. We will answer you in writing, If needs ___.

12. Do not play in the sunshine unless you____sunstroke.

13. It is our wish that she____in her life.

14. It was a lovely yesterday; we wish we____at Long Hai Beach.

15. The king ordered that Gulliver___set free.

16. It is essential that Mary____speak English.

17. He suggested that I___tolerant of other people.

18. My doctor insisted___.

19. Everyone urged that Bill____his education.

20. The director requests that all packages____ at the central office.