To: All Employees, Knight Accounting Agency
From: Ted Knight, Chief Executive Officer
Subject: Staff Retreat
I am writing to remind you that our annual staff retreat will be held on
Wednesday, December 13 and Thursday, December 14 at the City Convention
Center, 1510 Parkland Avenue. Attendance is mandatory for all employees.
Please plan to arrive promptly at 8 a.m. on both days; continental breakfast
and lunch will be provided.
Our annual staff retreat is an opportunity to acknowledge our
accomplishments, receive training and support, and set our goals for the
coming year. We've hired a professional trainer to start the retreat with
some fun and informative activities designed to help us work more effectively
as a team. Next, we'll meet in small groups to talk about our jobs and what
we can do to become more successful. Finally, we'll come together as a group
to share insights and to write our mission statement and objectives for next
In preparation for the retreat, please write a personal mission statement and
a brief description of your job. Please email these to me at
no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, December 12. I will compile your responses
into a handout that will be distributed to all employees. In addition,
managers should submit to me a list of objectives for their divisions no
later than 10 a.m. on Tuesday, December 13. Taking a few moments out of your
busy schedules to do this advance preparation will make the retreat more
valuable for all of us.
I look forward to seeing you at the City Convention Center! Feel free to
contact me if you have any questions.
What is the memo mainly
Who will lead a session on teamwork?
When is the deadline for managers to submit
their list of division goals?
Route 187
Parker Avenue – Airport
Note: All times are approximate. Arrive at your stop at least five minutes early. For your safety, please stand on the sidewalk behind the yellow line painted on the curb while waiting for your coach.
Southbound Northbound
Main St Coal Av Lark Rd Airport Airport Lark Rd Coal Av Main St
7:30a 7:42 7:51 7:57 8:00a 8:06 8:15 8:27
8:30 8:42 8:51 8:57 9:00 9:06 9:15 9:27
9:30 9:42 9:51 9:57 10:00 10:06 10:15 10:27
10:30 10:42 10:51 10:57 11:00 11:06 11:15 11:27
11:30 11:42 11:51 11:57 12:00p 12:06 12:15 12:27
12:30p 12:42 12:51 12:57 1:00 1:06 1:15 1:27
1:30 1:42 1:51 1:57 2:00 2:06 2:15 2:27
2:30 2:42 2:51 2:57 3:00 3:06 3:15 3:27
3:30 3:42 3:51 3:57 4:00 4:06 4:15 4:27
4:30 4:42 4:51 4:57 5:00 5:06 5:15 5:27
5:30 5:42 5:51 5:57 6:00 6:06 6:15 6:27
6:30 6:42 6:51 6:57 7:00 7:06 7:15 7:27
7:30 7:42 7:51 7:57
Thank you for using Parker Valley Public Transportation. Call 832-8362 for customer assistance.
Where is this time table most likely to be
When does the last northbound run pass Lark
Internal Job Posting
Plainview Distributors, Inc.
Supply Chain Manager
Due to rapid growth, Plainview Distributors is seeking applications for a Supply Chain Manager. This is a career advancement opportunity open to current employees only. The Supply Chain Manager will oversee all aspects of warehouse storage and transportation for product deliveries in the southwestern United States. The Supply Chain Manager will be required to work out of the Phoenix office, and frequent movement within the region to check on branch operations (approximately ten trips per year) will be expected.
The successful candidate will be an experienced professional, familiar with the company and its clients, who can manage a complex network and succeed under pressure. Preferred qualifications include experience in one of our warehouses or truck depots, familiarity with the Southwest, and experience in personnel management. Company benefits associated with this position include a competitive salary, company car, personal expense account, and payment of relocation expenses, if needed. In addition, the successful candidate will continue to receive the excellent insurance benefits, vacation pay and tuition support offered to all staff of Plainview Distributors.
To apply, please fill out an application using our secure company website at No paper copies or phone calls, please. As part of the online application, you will be asked to submit a current resume and a list of three (3) professional references. Submit all application materials no later than Friday, March 28. Plainview Distributors is an equal opportunity employer.
What is the announcement about?
Which of the following topics is mentioned in
the announcement?
What should interested people do?
To: All Employees
From: Luke Gaston
Subject: MEMO - Late Hours Policy
We have had some problems recently with security issues on evenings and weekends. Many employees are working overtime on end-of-fiscal year projects and find themselves alone in the building late at night. Several employees have expressed concern to me that they feel unsafe, and managers have also told me that they do not know how to train their employees on correct security procedures.
As your security manager, I want to assure you that I am working with the company management to address your concerns. We have agreed that it is best to hire a full-time security guard who will be present on evenings and weekends. However, since it will still be several weeks before the security guard can be hired, I want to provide all employees with a list of basic security procedures to follow when they are working late at night:
1. Leave lights on in offices and hallways. A bright work environment discourages unauthorized intruders.
2. If you hear or see any suspicious activity, call the city police department immediately.
3. If you are the last person to leave the building, make sure that all doors and windows are closed and locked. Leave through the front door. Turn on the alarm by pressing the “AWAY” button on the keypad near the reception desk, then enter the alarm code provided in the employee manual. Close the door firmly when you leave, and the alarm will automatically be activated.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at I look forward to working with you to make our company a safe and productive place to work.
What is the subject of the memorandum?
Who is the author of the memorandum?
What should employees do if they encounter a
threatening situation?
Hard Times Ahead for Local Graduates
Billy Roybal just graduated from Centerville Community College with a degree in semiconductor manufacturing technology. Like the other 30 students who enrolled in his class two years ago, he was told that after graduation, he was virtually guaranteed a well-paying job at the Supreme Semiconductor plant. However, Billy and most of his classmates are either out of work or preparing to move elsewhere. The reason: Supreme Semiconductor recently announced a hiring freeze.
Graduates of the community college training program aren't the only ones who are upset. Officials at Centerville City Hall are debating whether to sue Supreme Semiconductor for breach of contract. Five years ago, the city partnered with Centerville Community College and Supreme Semiconductor in an innovative training agreement. The city agreed to give the semiconductor company a significant tax break in return for funding the training program at Centerville Community College. Supreme Semiconductor, for its part, hoped to benefit with a steady stream of well-trained local workers who would help the company expand over the next 20 years.
However, changes in the highly competitive computer technology industry have led to less business for Supreme Semiconductor. Furthermore, pulling out of its contract to sponsor the community college program may not be the only downside. Karl Thompson, president of Supreme Semiconductor, told Central Valley Daily News that various problems could force the company to close by the end of the year, resulting in a loss of over 300 jobs in the Centerville area. He also said that company executives are hoping to meet with city officials to find some way of avoiding a lawsuit.
In the meantime, there are no easy answers for graduates such as Billy. He says finding a high-paying job is more important to him than staying in Centerville, so if a suitable job doesn't materialize within a few months he plans to look for employment in another state. As he and others leave, hopes for a bright future for the computer technology industry and Centerville are quickly fading. Some city officials are still hoping there is some way to keep Supreme Semiconductor open. Without it, said Mayor Charles Laughlin, the economy of Centerville will suffer a major blow. |
What is the topic of the news article?
The word “virtually” in the first paragraph, line 3 is closest in meaning to
According to the article, which entity might
be sued?
Why is Billy Roybal thinking of leaving Centerville?
Using Your New Document Plus 250-E Office Document Shredder
We are pleased that you have chosen Document Plus for your office needs. Our Model 250-E Office Document Shredder is powerful enough to shred all of your confidential documents, yet operates so quietly that your co-workers will hardly even notice it. With proper operation and regular maintenance, your Document Shredder will last for years to come. We encourage you to follow these easy steps to ensure your satisfaction:
(a) Do not attempt to feed large stacks of paper into the shredder all at once. This can cause annoying paper jams and possibly damage the shredder. Make sure that stacks of paper are no more than ¼ of an inch thick (about 10 pages of standard-weight paper).
(b) It is not necessary to remove staples before feeding documents into the shredder. However, be sure to remove larger metal items paper clip size or bigger. Also, do not attempt to shred cardboard or heavy manila folders.
(c) Spread lubricating oil on the teeth of the shredder on a monthly basis to prevent squeaking noises and prolong the life of the shredder.
(d) Register your product! Fill out the attached postcard to provide us with your information. Registering your product entitles you to full service under your warranty. You will also receive mailings with helpful tips on using your shredder, as well as announcements of new products from Document Plus.
We hope you enjoy your Document Plus 250-E Office Document Shredder. At Document Plus, we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction. If you have any questions or complaints about your shredder, please contact us at 800-372-1193. You can also visit our website at for helpful information.
Where is this notice most likely to be found?
What regular maintenance is recommended?
Which of the following objects need to be removed before using the shredder?
How can owners register their product?
Interoffice Memo
Allied Steel International
To: All Allied Steel Employees
From: Peter Rasmussen, Compensation Committee President
Date: September 4, 2011
Today the president of Allied Steel, Eric Nelson, announced that he had agreed to our request for a 10% pay raise for all employees. As you know, this is something that we, your representatives, have been struggling to achieve for nearly two years. We have always argued that you, the workers who make this company succeed, should be the company's first priority. When the company is experiencing rapid growth, as Allied Steel has undoubtedly seen during the past five years, all employees of the company should see the financial benefits, not just a few top executives.
While it has taken a long time for us to convince the company management to increase all salaries, we are delighted that we have succeeded without having to form a labor union. We are not lawyers or professional lobbyists. I and the other members of the compensation committee are simply concerned employees who want to see fair pay for all of us. Furthermore, we did not take a confrontational approach. We always told the company management that we think Allied Steel is a great place to work. Our goal was not to make demands, but to present evidence from market studies to show that our position was reasonable.
Special thanks go out to Dr. Alvin Martlin, research engineer with Allied Steel, who spent countless hours of his personal time to do economic research in support of our efforts, showing that the company was paying lower salaries than our competitors. I also want to thank the ten members of the compensation committee, all of whom volunteered to participate and generously gave their time for meetings. I want to thank, as well, Eric Nelson and the Board of Trustees of Allied Steel for creating a work environment where the concerns of employees can be heard. Last, but not least, I want to thank you, the loyal employees of Allied Steel, for your constant support. You've made Allied Steel the best company in the business, and we're glad that we will now all receive pay that is well above average in our industry. |
What is the purpose of this memo?
Who is Eric Nelson?
According to the memo, how did the committee convince the company to award raises?
Dear Employees of Consolidated Insurance,
I'm writing this because I wanted to address the rumors that have been circulating about the future of our division. As you know, last month we were informed by company management that the structure of the company website, the primary task of our Electronic Resources division, would be reviewed. Many of you also know the reason for this review: some top executives were complaining about what they perceived as a lack of efficiency in keeping the website current. As a result, there are rumors going around that the website may be outsourced to an external company, and all the employees of this division could be laid off.
I want to let you know that these rumors are absolutely false. There are no plans whatsoever for any job cuts. Each and every one of you has an important and valuable role to play at Consolidated Insurance, and the company is not thinking of outsourcing our web development. Because our website is designed to provide detailed, complex information to all of our clients, it needs to
be developed and maintained by people who know our company well. The company president has reassured me in person that he values the work of the Electronic Resources division and that our staffing levels and mission will remain essentially the same.
With that said, I do think that all of us need to acknowledge that there have been some problems in maintaining our large company website. As your manager, I know that the problems are caused mainly by the challenges of implementing our new customer information database, not by any laziness or negligence on your part. The committee that is currently reviewing our website will make recommendations for how to solve these problems, as well as suggestions for changing the structure of the website. I suggest that you view the committee's input positively, and consider this process as an opportunity for us to improve our services.
I hope that this has cleared up the situation. Please email me with any questions you may have, or if you prefer, you may make an appointment to speak with me privately.
Jack Kemp
Manager, Electronic Resources Division
Why did Mr. Kemp write this letter?
What does Mr. Kemp believe is the main challenge facing the division?
What does Mr. Kemp ask employees to do?
Career Advancement Opportunities Available
Help Market Research Associates Expand into Europe!
Market Research Associates, America's largest research firm, is planning to open several new consulting offices in Europe over the next several months. The first branch office will open in Paris, where French marketing experts have been impressed with our company's ground-breaking research on consumer preferences in French-speaking parts of Canada. We anticipate that Paris will be just the beginning: the board of trustees believes that our successful methodology can spread to business centers throughout Europe. This expansion will create exciting opportunities for our employees, and we want to give you more information about them.
Employees of Market Research Associates are encouraged to attend an informational meeting on Monday, March 5 at 3 p.m. in the Green Conference Room to learn about the plans for new consulting offices in Europe. If you're interested in travel and want to learn new skills that can forward your career, please attend this important meeting. You'll learn about the types of
positions available, the internal application process, and the benefits you can receive. These include full payment of travel or relocation expenses, and paid training at a prestigious language school to bring your conversation skills in French (or eventually other languages) up to a professional level.
You can learn more about the plans for the new Paris facility by visiting the company website and clicking on the “Branch office in Paris” link. Should you have any further questions, please contact Emma at the Human Resources office, or 742-2451.
What is the topic of the announcement?
Who should attend the meeting?
Which of the following will NOT be discussed at the meeting?