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basic reading p.14

Questions 1-4 are about the following e-mail.

    Dear Class, 

    I'm writing to remind you that tomorrow morning we'll be having "Show & Tell." You'll need to bring a special object from home that you'll show to the class. You can bring a toy, game, book, or something else that has special meaning to you.

    For example, a student once brought an old movie ticket to "Show & Tell." She explained that it was special to her because she went to the movie with her favorite cousin, who she doesn't see very often. The class liked this very much. A boy last year brought a baseball that he caught at a game. The class liked that, too.

    I'd also like to remind you that you cannot bring pets to "Show & Tell." I understand that your pets are special to you, but they are too distracting to have in class. If you want to tell the class about your pet, then bring something that reminds you of the pet. For instance, you could bring your dog's favorite toy or a can of your cat's food.

    I will see you tomorrow. Don't forget your object for "Show & Tell"! 

    Mrs. Crandell 


1. What is the e-mail mostly about?

2. Why does Mrs. Crandell say that students should not bring pets?

3. In line 11, the word they refers to

4. What does Mrs. Crandell suggest about someone bringing an old movie ticket?

Questions 1-6 are about the following article.

    On Wednesday, February 28, two monkeys escaped from their cage at Flintstone Zoo. The eighth-graders here at Turnbull Middle School saw the event. They were at Flintstone Zoo that day on a field trip. The monkeys got away because one of their feeders forgot to lock the door when he left the monkey cage. About an hour after feeding, the monkeys discovered the unlocked door and escaped.

    "I was at the monkey cage when it happened," said Rachel Slater. "It was crazy! The monkeys looked like experts!" Rachel described what it looked like as they opened the door to their cage. "At first, I didn't think it was a big deal," she said. "I thought they were playing and that the zookeepers knew about it."

    It turned out it was a big deal. The zookeepers panicked when they saw that the monkeys were missing. They made everyone leave the zoo so that they could find the monkeys. It took them over two hours to catch them. By the time they were caught, the monkeys had stolen hot dogs from children and played with the zebras. "I was sad that we bad to leave the zoo early," said Sarah Johnson, "but it was super exciting to see the monkeys running around like crazy kids" 


5. What would be the most suitable headline for the article?

6. Why were the monkeys able to escape?

7. In line 7, the word experts is closest in meaning to

8. What does the author imply about the monkeys?

9. In line 11, the word They refers to

10. Which of the following is NOT true?

Questions 1-8 are about the following passage.

    Sigmund Freud was a well-known psychologist who was born in Austria in 1856. He is famous because he came up with psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a certain way of helping a patient with a troubled mind. Freud believed that people have many thoughts and ideas deep inside, but they are taught to ignore them over time.

    Psychoanalysts help people by searching for their secret ideas. They will ask the patient many questions about their dreams, desires, and childhood. Then they will try to find out what all of this means.

    Freud believed that a person's personality was not caused by genetics, but was formed by things that happened to the person as a child. For example, if a grown woman is very shy, Freud would say that something happened when she was a child that made her that way. He believed that the way parents and siblings treated a child affected them as adults.

    According to Freud, each person's mind has three parts: the id, ego, and superego. The id is the part of the mind that only wants pleasure and cannot think about bad consequences. The superego is a person's sense of doing what they are supposed to do. The ego is the part of the mind that balances the id and the superego. Freud believed that if these parts of the mind were explored, a person could be cured of their psychological sickness. 


11. What would be the most suitable title for the passage?

12. What can psychoanalysis do?

13. What did Freud believe about people's personalities?

14. In line 9, the word grown is closest in

15. All of the following are true about Freud EXCEPT 

16. In line 10, the word He refers to

17. What does the superego do for a person?

18. What was probably true about Freud?