Question 1-8 refer to thee following passage from a history textbook.
The first printing press was made by a German man named Johannes Gutenberg in the 1440s. (1)... for the fast printing of materials, but it also changed the future of Europe. (2)... that before the printing press, all written works had to be copied by hand. (3)... not possible for either the rich or the poor because they were too expensive. The number of people that actually owned books before the printing press was very few. The printing press allowed books (4)... cheaply and in great quantity. The most important book that the printing press printed was the Christian Bible. All the churches and all the families in Europe could have (5).... Having the Bible in the home made people (6)... differently about religion. Historians have discussed how conversation about literature grew because more people were able to find reading materials. Both the wealthy (7)... the poor learned to read. Now, almost all of the adults in Europe (8)... how to read.
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