Question 1-8 refer to the following passage from an English textbook.
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe is a book that changed america. The book (1)... in 1852. The novel, which (2)... about a friendly slave named Tom, was the best-selling novel of the 19th century. It helped to educate Americans about slavery. When Stowe wrote the book, she (3) to show Americans that slavery was evil, even when the master were. She (4)...a friendly family having to sell their family's slave to show that slaves were never safe. Stowe (5)... Abraham Lincoln because of this important book. He called her "the little lady who started the Civil War", American students (6)... Uncle Tom's cabin. By the time most Americans graduate from high school, they (7)... the novel. This is because American student (8)... the importance of the book.
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