Trang chủ / TOEFL Junior / Reading

How would you like to make some extra cash?


In this section of the test, you will hear 42 questions found in seven different texts. Within each text are boxes that contain four possible ways to complete a sentence. Choose the word or words in each box that correctly complete each sentence. Mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

Here are two sample question:

Ever since Gutenberg (1)……. movable type in the 1400s, printed works have been the primary source of reading material for most people. But, (2)….. more and more people are reading material that is not printed on paper nowsdays.

  1. (1)

(A): invents

(B): invented

(C): inventing

(D): has invented


  1. (2)

(A): thanks to the Internet,

(B): thanking the Internet,

(C): having thanked the Internet,

(D): with the thanks of the Internet,


The correct answer to sample 1 is (B), “invented”. The correct answer to sample 2 is (A), “thanks to the Internet”.

Questions 1-4 refer to the following announcement.

To All Students:

It is time once again to begin working on your annual history projects. This year, you (1)...... to work on teams. Teams may consist of up to four students. You may also work alone if you desire (2)...... All student should let me know with whom you will be working no later than next Monday, March 22. Once you have made your choice, you may not (3)....... it in any manner. All decisions are final. This year, the way in which you may do your history project is slightly different from that of previous years. Please see the attached papers for some examples of (4)......

Genevieve Mason

History Teacher










1. (1)

2. (2)

3. (3)

4. (4)

Questions 5-8 refer to the following diary entry.

Dear Diary,

It is almost time to start thinking about which college I am going to (5)...... after I finish high school. (6)...... to enroll at the same school my father went to a couple of decades ago. However, I am not particularly interested in that place, especially since it does not have a good computer science program, which is what I want to study. (7)..... are a couple of out-of-state schools. But, unless I (8)...... a scholarship, they are both too expensive for my family. I suppose I ought to improve my grades if I want to go to either of those places.

5. (7)

6. (6)

7. (7)

8. (8)

Questions 9-12 refer to the following advertisement.

Work at the Sunnyville Summer Camp This Summer

How would you like to make some extra cash? If you have at least an A average, then you are qualified to apply for a position at the Sunnyville Summer Camp. At Sunnyville, we (9).... camp counselors who are not only good with younger children but who are also (10)...... in their classes. That is why you need good grades to get a job with us. We also prefer students who (11)..... and being active. We pay well and provide our counselors with great experiences throughout the entire summer. If you would like to (12).... your horizons and work for us this summer, then call 555-1991 and ask for Mary or Jason.

9. (9)

10. (10)

11. (11)

12. (12)

Questions 13-20 refer to the following letter.

Dear Paul,

I hope you do not mind, but I need to get some(13)...... from you. There is something that has been on my mind a lot recently. (14)..... if I should join the basketball team or get a part-time job. Coach Dobbins is putting a lot of pressure on me (15)..... I was on the team last year and had fun. Overall, (16)...... However, my parents have cut off my (17)...... They say I am old enough to earn my own spending money. Since I am planning to buy a car once I get my driver's license, I need to come up with some extra cash. What would you do in my (18)..... I trust advice from you (19)..... from any of my other friends. Please tell me (20).... I ought to do.

Your friend,


13. (13)

14. (14)

15. (15)

16. (16)

17. (17)

18. (18)

19. (19)

20. (20)

Questions 21-28 refer to the following biography.

One of (21)..... inventors in the world was Thomas Edison. (22)..... in 1931, Edison held more than 1,000 patents and had revolutionized the world with his inventions, which included the light bulb and phonograph. Yet few who knew Edison in his youth would have (23)..... he was destined for greatness. As a child, Edison became sick and developed hearing problems as a (24)..... result of his illness. Eventually, he became deaf in both ears. He was also (25)..... Due to his hyperactive behavior, his schoolteachers disliked him. Some thought he was unintelligent and would never (26).... anything. Fortunately for Edison, his mother, (27)..... began to homeschool him when he was eleven. Edison quickly gained an appetite for learning, and, by studying by himself, he became self-educated. It was due to his desire to learn and to teach himself new things that he (28)...... an interest in becoming an inventor.

21. (21)

22. (22)

23. (23)

24. (24)

25. (25)

26. (26)

27. (27)

28. (28)

Questions 29-34 refer to the following newspaper article.

The Beaumont Academy is about to start (29).... that will result in the school undergoing a great deal of change. (30).... of two million dollars from a recent alumnus, the Beaumont Academy is going to (31)..... the entire campus. Work on the main building has already started since the students are currently on summer vacation. The school also intends to work on its gymnasium as well as its library. (32)..... the school will construct an entirely new (33)..... It will contain a number of state-of-the-art classrooms that should improve the learning environment at the school. According to school president John Sanders, the faculty, students, and parents are all eagerly anticipating how the school will look. "Everything won't be (34)..... until about ten months from now," said Mr. Sanders. "However, we think the campus will be much improved by that time."

29. (29)

30. (30)

31. (31)

32. (32)

33. (33)

34. (34)

Questions 35-42 refer to the following essay.

A mural is a large painting done on a wall, ceiling, or side of a building. There are several different (35)..... of murals. (36)..... frescoes were among (37)..... of murals. To create a fresco, the artist first (38)..... wet plaster to the surface of the wall or ceiling. Then, paint was layered on top of the plaster. Because the plaster dried so quickly, the artist could only paint a small area at a time. Thus frescoes often took a long time (39)......  For that reason, many artists actively (40).... making frescoes. Those who wanted to do murals more quickly (41)..... to using other techniques.  Painting on pieces of canvas and then attaching those pieces to a wall was another way (42)...... A more modern technique is to make murals with photographs that have been printed on large sheets.

35. (35)

36. (36)

37. (37)

38. (38)

39. (39)

40. (40)

41. (41)

42. (42)