In this section of the test, you will hear 42 questions found in seven different texts. Within each text are boxes that contain four possible ways to complete a sentence. Choose the word or words in each box that correctly complete each sentence. Mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
Here are two sample question:
While some forest fires (1) …… by humans, most of them happen due to lightning striking the ground during a region’s dry season. In fact, some places (2)……. Forest fires on a yearly basis.
(A): cause
(B): causing
(C): are caused
(D): will cause
(A): accept
(B): endure
(C): permit
(D): strike
The correct answer to sample 1 is (C), “are caused”. The correct answer to sample 2 is (B), “endure”.
Questions 1-4 refer to the following advertisement.
This Friday night at seven o'clock, the drama club is pleased (1)....... of Shakespeare's As You Like It. THe student cast has worked hard (2)....... for the play for the past two months and would appreciate a big crowd at the performance. Tickets cost $5 and may be purchased from the school's front office or at the door prior to the beginning of the play. The lead actors is Ryan MsClellan while Katie Burgess has the lead famale role. The play (3)....... by Edward Holliman, the school's art teacher. Please be sure to (4)...... on Friday night to support the cast. They play will be held in the school's auditorium.
Questions 5-8 refer to the following announcemnet
This spring semester, the school is going to (5)...... classes for two weeks. From Monday, April 6, to Friday, April 17, there will be no classes. Instead, students will spend those two weeks interning at local businesses. A number of area businesses (6)...... have agreed to take on student interns. These include some local hospitals, colleges, libraries, and government offices. By doing these interships, students will be able to get hands-on experience at jobs (7)...... in the future. Students may also fell free to arrange their own interships. Contact Mr. Farguson or Mr. Whittaker for more information. We hope it will be (8)..... than last year's attempt at the same program.
Questions 9-12 refer to the following diary entry
Dear Diary,
I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's field trip to Mercy Hospital. (9)....... Ms. Lewis gave the class, we are going to spend time (10)..... Among them are the cancer ward, the emergency room, and the physical therapy section. For the past couple of years, I have sonsidered becoming a doctor in the future. Actually seeing some doctors at work should help me (11)...... my decision. I might decide that being a doctor is not the profession for me. Or I might see all of the doctors at work and feel that I simply must become one. Who knows (12)....... I guess I need to wait until tomorrow to find out.
Questions 13-20 refer to the following letter
Dear Helgar,
I would like to welcome you to our school. I know that being an (13)...... studnet can be difficult, especially when you are so far away from your home. As you may have heard, the Thanksgiving holiday is (14)....... I am aware that it isn't celebrated in Germany, but it's a very important holiday in the United States. It is an occasion (15)....... to spend time with one another and enjoy a variety of food. If you have nothinf planned for that day, I would like to (16)...... you to visit my home for Thanksgiving. My entire famlily is planning to be there, so you will (17)...... My mother is considered (18)....... cooks in the city, so you will get a great (19)......... to traditional Americian home cooking. I hope you can come as I am positive that you (20) a wonderful time. Let me know if you are interested.
Greg Foster
Questions 21-26 refer to the following newspaper article
These day, there are many students who do not attend physical schools but instead stay home, (21)....... While these students (22)....... study at their homes, they sometimes visit their local schools. One reason for this concerns athletics. in many American states, homeschooles students are permitted to play on their local school's athletic teams. This is good news for the schools because a lot of homeschoolers are (23)......... athletes. The students who attend actual schools are mostly accepting of the homeschoolers. They usually have no problems with them and are often simply (24)........ about what it is like not to go to school. So they tend to bombard the homeschoolers with numerous questions. The homeschoolers also (25)..... by mingling with the students at school. Some of them rarely spend time (26)........ So it helps them develop their social skills if they can hang out and play sports with other kids.
Questions 27-34 refer to the following part of a student's essay.
Thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope, our knowledge of the universe has increased tremendously. The telescope was put into (27)....... by one of the space shuttles in 1990. Since then, it (28)..... high-quality pictures to Earth. The Hubble is superior to Earht-based telescopes for a couple of reasons. The first concerns (29)........ of the mirror (30)... The second is that, as the Hubble is located in outer space, there is no interference from Earht's atmosphere. This interference causes distortion in the images of ground-based telescopes, which can cause them (31)...... Unfortunately, the Hubble is aging, and a replacement is needed. I strongly believe that the goverment should spend the necessary (32)...... to manufacture a telescope that can be launched into space (33)....... By doing that, (34)........ more about the solar system, galaxy, and universe itself.
Questions 35-42 refer to the following magazine article
The origins of the majority of sports are (35)..... because no one is quite sure when and how they were invented. However, the same cannot be said about basketball. Its origins are both well known and (36)...... (37)...... was invented by Dr. James Naismith in December 1891. Naismith was a physical education instructor at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts. Since winters in that region of Massachusetts tended (38)..... Naismith wanted to create a sport that men could play indoors in a gymnasium. He came up with the idea of basketball and made (39)..... Several of these rules are ones (40)...... The men used a soccer ball and peach baskets for hoops. The baskets had bottoms, so play was (41).... each time a person made a basket. From those (42).... origins came the game of basketball, which is one of the most popular games in the world today.