Read about how to make a volcano. Then answer questions 1 to 4.

A volcano is a mountain with a large hole at the top. When it is active, lava, which is extremely hot liquid rock, is forced to come out of the hole. An active volcano can be very dangerous because it can destroy an entire town or city and cause tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mudslides and rockfalls.
What makes a volcano erupt? The Earth's crust is made up of plates that fit together like a puzzle. However, these plates sometimes move, and the friction that is caused by their movement causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
There is a fun and easy way to experiment with volcanic eruptions using baking soda. Fill a cylinder or bottle with warm water and a bit of red food coloring. Add 6 drops of detergent and 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the container. Then slowly pour vinegar into it.
The baking soda and vinegar cause a chemical reaction. Pressure builds from the carbon dioxide gas inside, so the gas bubbles out of the cylinder.