Read the story about Holly. Then answer questions 1 to 4.

Holly often becomes lonely and bored at home. Her parents work full-time, and she doesn't have any brothers or sisters. "Are you going to be late again, Mom?" Holly asked. She hates when her mom comes home late because she has to eat dinner by herself. "I am not sure yet," Holly's mom replied. "I will call you later."
Around 6 o'clock, somebody opened the door. Holly ran to the door. "Is that you, Mom?" she shouted. "It's me, Holly." It was Holly's dad. "Hi, Dad. Mom isn't home yet, and I'm getting hungry," said Holly. "That's why I came home early," replied her dad. "Mom called me and told me that she was going to be late, so I'm afraid we have to order some food for dinner." "But I'm sick and tired of takeout food!" Holly yelled. She seemed like she was about to cry. Holly's dad thought for a minute. "Well, then let's go to the kitchen and see if we can find anything to make there," he said. They walked to the kitchen and fished through the refrigerator and cabinets. "We have some tomatoes and mushrooms," said Holly. "I found some spaghetti noodles," said her dad. "Let's make some spaghetti!"
That night, Holly and her dad had a late dinner. It was not as good as the spaghetti from a restaurant, but Holly thought it was the tastiest spaghetti she had ever eaten.