Trang chủ / TOEFL Primary / Listening

Đề thi thử tổng hợp số 3

Fill in the correct circles on your answer sheet.

Let's do an example

The answer is (B). Fill in (B) on your answer sheet.

Now, you do it.








Listen to a conversation and answer the question.

Fill in the correct circle on your answer sheet. 

Let's do an example.

Why is the girl sad? 

(A) She couldn't graduate.

(B) She is not going to college.

(C) She can't see her friends every day. 

The answer is (C). Fill in (C) on your answer sheet. 

Now, you do it. 

7. What is true about the boy? 

8. When the boy says, "It's a piece of cake," what does he mean? 

9.  What does the boy do? 

10. What are the girls going to do? 

11. What will the boy get for his mom?

12. What did the boy ask his father to do?

Listen and answer the question.

Fill in the correct circle on your answer sheet. 

Let's do an example.

What did Kimberly call about? 

(A) A piano lesson

(B) A ride to the party

(C) A birthday gift 

The answer is (B). Fill in (B) on your answer sheet. 

Now, you do it. 

13. Why did Mr. Graham call? 

14. What is the teacher talking about? 

15. What is wrong with the closet Brian ordered? 

16. What did Kelly's mom call Kelly about? 

17. What did the teacher tell the students to do? 

18. What does Jack do for a living? 

19. Why did Joyce call? 

Listen to a story about Tom. 
20. What was Tom doing after school? 

21. What did Tom injure? 

22. What did the doctor do? 

23. What happened after Tom got a cast around his wrist?

Listen to a story about Max and Helena.
24. What did Helena and Max decide to try?

25. Why did Helena and Max go to the information center? 

26. What are beignets? 

27. What did Helena and Max do?

Listen to a teacher giving a science lesson.

28. What does solar mean?

29. Which planet is closest to the Sun?

30. Which planet is the largest?

Listen to a teacher in a classroom. 
31. What did the teacher talk about? 

32. What is NOT a possible symptom of food poisoning? 

33. What should you do if you feel sick?

Listen to a teacher giving a science lesson. 
34. Tigers are an example of ....... 

35. How do mammals breathe? 

36. Which animal is an invertebrate?