Read and find the answer.
Fill in the correct circles on your answer sheet.
Let's do an example.
It is a small appliance with a flat metal base on the bottom and a handle on top. It makes clothes smooth by using the heat from the metal base.
Q. What is it?
(A): An iron
(B): A remote control
(C): A hair dryer
The correct answer is an iron. Fill in (A) on your answer sheet.
It is a piece of steel that can stick to metal objects and make them move toward it.
Q. What is it?
You say this when an object is not hard, firm, or sti but is easy to press. A pillow is an example.
Q. What is it?
This is an expression of taste. A lemon tastes this way. When you put it in your mouth, you feel a sharp tangy taste.
Q. What is it?
It is a cooking tool. You use it when you turn over food such as pancakes in a pan. It has a thin flat metal plate with a long handle.
Q. What is it?
It is a sport in which players use bows and arrows to shoot the target.
Q. What is it?
It is a type of aircraft. It has large metal blades on top that turn around very quickly to make it fly.
Q. What is it?
It is an animal with a long thin body. It doesn't have any legs and sometimes has a poisonous bite.
Q. What is it?
You say this when you eat some food that is very pleasant and tasty.
Q. What is it?
This is an act of talking to someone about something. People do this every day to verbally greet each other, ask questions or deliver messages.
Q. What is it?
Read the business card. Answer questions 1 to 4.

What is the manager's last name?
Where does Tom work?
What information is indicated on the business card?
What is the bakery open for business?
Read the letter. Answer question 1 to 2.
Dear Leona,
I am sorry about the argument we had yesterday. I was under a lot of stress, and I wasn't thoughtful enough to consider your idea. I really didn't mean to yell at you. I feel bad for hdrting your feelings. I am very sorry, and I hope you will forgive me. Can we be friends again?
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your friend,
Why did Robin write to Leona?
What does Robin want?
Read the letter. Answer questions 1 to 2.
Dear Paula,
How are you? I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation. I am going on a trip with my family for a week, so 1 probably won't be able to write to you for 10 days. We are going to Hawaii, and I am going to learn how to surf there. I will show you some photos when I come back. Take care.
Talk to you later.
Your friend,
Where is Jessica going?
What is Jessica going to do there?
Read about the saety rules in the science lab. Answer questions 1 to 3.

1. Learn the steps of the experiment first. Make sure you know how to use the equipment. Ask the teacher any questions you have before you start your experiment.
2. Make sure to keep the area clean.
3. When you see that something has spilled or gotten broken, or if one of your group members becomes injured, report it to the teacher immediately.
4. Wear safety goggles and gloves at all times when it is necessary. Protecting your eyes and skin is very important during an experiment. If you get any substance on your skin, wash it off with clean water.
5. Do not eat or drink during an experiment.
6. Be careful when you touch electric cords or equipment.
7. Clean up after the experiment. Put things in the right place. Wipe off your table and wash your hands.
When you get any substance on your skin, you must.......
During an experiment, you must not.............
If any accident happens, you should........
Read story about Pat and her pet turtle. Answer question 1 to 4.

Pat has a pet turtle, Jasper. She loves it very much. She feeds it every morning and washes the fishbowl twice a week. She likes looking at it moving slowly. Sometimes she puts it on the floor and taps its shell with a finger, and then it hides its head and legs under the shell.
One day, Pat came home after school, and she called out to her pet turtle while she was walking into her room.
"Jasper, I'm home." When Pat walked into the room, she didn't see her pet turtle in the fishbowl. She quickly ran down to the kitchen.
"Mom, have you seen Jasper? It's not in the fishbowl," Pat said in a crying tone.
"No, I haven't seen it. Oh! Mrs. Williams visited me this morning with her grandson. I showed him your pet turtle, but I don't think he took it." Then Pat's mom called Mrs. Williams and asked whether she had seen Pat's turtle after her grandson was playing with it. Unfortunately, the answer was no. Pat felt very sad and stayed in her room quietly. Her mom told her she would buy her a new turtle, but she wanted Jasper.
That evening, Pat didn't say anything during supper. When she was about to go to bed, her mom yelled in the bathroom. "Pat, I found Jasper!" Pat instantly got up and ran to the bathroom. Jasper was under the mat. Nobody knew why it was there, but Pat and her mom were glad to find it. "I'm so glad to find you. I will never lose you again. Please don't let Mrs. Williams' grandson play with my Jasper ever again, Mom!" Pat said to her mom. "OK, I won't. I'm sorry, dear," her mom replied with a sorry look on her face.
What does Pat NOT do for her pet turtle?
When does Pat's pet turtle hide its head and legs under the shell?
Why was Pat sad after school?
Where was Pat's pet turtle?
Read a story about Ricky ad John. Answer questions 1 to 4.

Ricky and John like science. They especially like when they have a science experiment in school. One day, Ricky and John went down to the lab for a new experiment. "I wonder what we will do today," Ricky said. "OK, everyone. Before we , begin our experiment, please put on your safety goggles and gloves. Please review the safety manual on the wall one more time," the science teacher said.
"Ouch!" John cried out loud.
"What's wrong?" Ricky asked.
"I don't know. I dropped a little bit of this red substance on my arm, and it stings," John replied.
"Wash it with clean water first, and I will call the teacher." Then Ricky yelled out to find the teacher and explained what was going on. The teacher quickly took John to the nurse's office, and the nurse took care of John.
"You followed the safety manual very well," the science teacher told Ricky.
John went back to the classroom that afternoon. "Thank you, Ricky, for helping me. I feel alright now," John said to Ricky.
"I'm glad you are alright, but you must remember that the science lab can be dangerous, so you should be more careful during an experiment," Ricky said.
What do Ricky and John like to do?
What happened to John?
What did Ricky do to help John?
What does Ricky think about doing scientific experiments in the lab?
Read bout Bill. Answer questions 1 to 4.
Bill likes to play tricks on people. One day, he was in his brother's room and found a notebook on his bed.
"I'm going to hide it somewhere and give it back to him when he promises to share his cookies with me," Bill said to himself and hid it under the couch, but he forgot about it after supper that evening.
The next morning, Bill's brother, David, went to school without knowing that Bill had hidden his notebook. Unfortunately, he got detention in school for not bringing his notebook that he was supposed to hand in for his assignment. That day, he came home late from detention.
"Why were you late, David?" His mother asked when he walked into the house.
"I lost my notebook that I did my homework in, and my teacher didn't believe that I had done my homework, so I got detention," David said in an upset voice. bill heard what had happened to his brother at school, and he felt sorry.
"I have something to tell you, David. I'm really sorry. I thought it would be fun to hide your notebook, but then I forgot to give it back to you. Can you please forgive me?" said Bill.
"It's not right to take others' belongings without asking. If you do that one more time, I will be very mad at you," said David in an angry voice.
"I won't do it again. I promise," said Bill.
What did Bill do?
What happened to David?
What is detention?
What did Bill promise David?
Read the text. Answer questions 1 to 2.

When you walk downtown or visit tourist attractions, you can often see a group of tourists listening carefully to their guide. Tourism interpretation guides guide tourists and introduce the historical background of a place or an artifact. They not only have to study foreign languages but also have to learn all about the places and things they need to introduce. They need to be good at storytelling so they can attract the tourists' attention. They should also be good at communicating with others. They have to be prepared to answer all kinds of questions. In order to become a tourism interpretation guide, it is best to major in something related to tourism or languages and pass the tourism interpretation guide exam.
What do tourism interpretation guides need for their job?
What is a requirement for becoming a tourism interpretation guide?
Read the text. Answer questions 1 to 2.
When you injure your body, you will see different types of skin injuries: bruises, cuts, and burns. Your skin turns red or purple when you bump into something hard. A bruise appears when blood vessels in the skin are broken. If you break layers of your skin, you will probably get a cut. When your blood vessels are cut, the blood will come out and thicken to make a scab over your cut. When you touch something extremely hot or cold by accident, you get a burn. It gives you pain, redness and swelling, and if it becomes serious, you will see a blister or even experience temporary numbness.
What are types of skin injuries?
What is a symptom of a burn?