Trang chủ / TOEFL Primary / Listening

Đề thi thử tổng hợp số 1

Fill in the correct on your anwser sheet.

Let's do an example.

The answer is (A). Fill (A) on your answer sheet.

Now, you do it.








Listen to a conversation and answer the question.

Fill in the correct circle on your answer sheet.

Let's do an example.

Q. What will the boy do this weekend?

(A) Go on a picnic in the park

(B) Build a bigger house

(C) Move to a new house

The answer is (C). Fill in (C) on your answer sheet.

Now, you do it.

7. Where will the boy and girl go next?

8. What happenen to the boys?

9. What does the boy's mom want her son to do?

10. What are the boy and girl going to do next?

11. What are the boy and girl going to do next?

12. What was the problem with the machine?

Listen and answer the question.

Fill in the correct circle on your answer sheet.

Let's do an example 

Q. What did Rob call about?

(A) The team project

(B) The opening hours of the library

(C) The lunch menu

The answer is (A). Fill in (A) on your answer sheet.

Now, you do it.

13. What did Joyce call Aunt Lisa?

14. Why did the man call?

15. Why did Ronda call Mrs. Robertson?

16. Why did the woman call?

17. Why did Kevin call?

18. What did the mom call?

19. Why did the boy call?

Listen to a story about Laura
20. Who came to visit Laura's school

21. What did the visitors tell the students?

22. What did the students learn?

23. What is a fire drill?

Listen to a story about Sam
24. What did Sam do at the zoo?

25. What transportation did Sam use?

26. What did Sam do on the subway?

27. Why was Sam's mom proud of her son?

Listen to a teacher giving a history lesson.

28. What does Terry Herbert use when searching for treasure?

29. Why did people in England hide valuable items underground in the past?

30. What does the teacher want the students to bring?

Listen to a student's speech
31. What did the student talk about?

32. According to the student, why can teamwork be difficult?

33. What does the student believe that we can learn from teamwork?

Listen to a teacher in a classroom
34. What is the teacher's talk about?

35. What does the teacher suggest in order to become healthy?

36. What's the purpose of keeping a daily record of your diet?