IELTS Writing

Chinh phục IELTS Writing Task 1 và Task 2 Band 7+ với các chiến lược, kỹ thuật học và thi từng task

Why waste time and money on outdated course books, inexperienced teachers and failed exams? Learn the tips, tricks, secrets and techniques required to succeed in IELTS Writing Task 1, and take control of your IELTS future today!

Giới thiệu về khóa học

General Overview

  • An Introduction to the Course học thử
  • An Introduction to the IELTS Exam học thử
  • Understanding Writing Task 1
  • What Do You Want From Me? (How To Get Band 7+ in IELTS Writing Task 1)

Approaching the Response

  • The Different Task 1 Question Types
  • Top Marks - A Brief Look at a Task 1 Model Answer học thử
  • Planning Your Response (Including Time Management)
  • Three Common Mistakes to Avoid
  • Approaching the Response - Quiz

Answering the Question

  • Identifying Main Trends / Differences
  • Selecting Key Features
  • Assuring Accuracy

Structuring the Response

  • Introductions
  • Overviews
  • Detail Paragraphs
  • Cohesive Devices and Referencing

Writing the Response

  • Vocabulary for Graphs with a Trend
  • Vocabulary for Comparative Graphs
  • Vocabulary for Maps
  • Vocabulary for Processes
  • Paraphrasing the Task Language

Tuning the Response

  • Using Complex Sentences in Task 1
  • Comparative Grammar
  • Using Punctuation in Task 1
  • The Importance of Relative Clauses


  • Demonstration: Answering Task 1 From Start to Finish
  • Secrets to Success - Tips and Techniques in Task 1
  • How to Practice Effectively
  • Getting Guidance
  • Good Luck!