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Khóa học
Starters, Movers, Flyers, KET, PET
TOEFL Primary, Junior
Toán tư duy Kangaroo
Luyện thi TOEIC
Luyện thi IELTS
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B1 Preliminary for Schools
Why did the girl leave the theatre early?
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You will hear two friends talking about a play.
Why did the girl leave the theatre early?
She felt unwell
She hated the play
She had an appointment
You will hear two friends talking about the food at a school party.
They agree that
there was lots of variety
everything there was tasty
the food they took was popular.
You will hear two friends talking about a soccer match they both watched on TV.
Why was the boy disappointed?
The team he supports lost
His favourite player was injured
The quality of the match was bad.
You will hear two friends talking about a new science building at their school.
They agree that
it looks great from the outside
the equipment is very good
it is very well decorated
You will hear a girl talking about a blog she has started writing.
How does she feel about it?
delighted that other people like it
surprised it was so easy to set up
satisfied with its appearance
You will hear a girl telling her friend about learning Chinese.
The boy suggests that the girl should
use websites to help her.
find a conversation class
buy a good textbook.
Trả lời
Đề thi này dành cho tài khoản VIP. Mời bạn
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để đăng ký tài khoản VIP.
Nếu đã có tài khoản VIP, mời bạn nhập tài khoản và mật khẩu ở dưới để làm bài.
Đăng nhập để học tiếp
Tài khoản MonKa
Mật khẩu
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Chưa có tài khoản?
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Quên mật khẩu?
Câu đúng
Được học TẤT CẢ các khóa
Trả một lần, học trọn đời
Kích hoạt ngay, học được luôn
Miễn phí ship thẻ toàn quốc
Giá gốc
1,200,000 đ
Giá bán
299,000 đ
Tư vấn qua Messenger
Trò chuyện qua Zalo