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Khóa học
Starters, Movers, Flyers, KET, PET
TOEFL Primary, Junior
Toán tư duy Kangaroo
Luyện thi TOEIC
Luyện thi IELTS
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B1 Preliminary for Schools
Maths homework
Look at the text in each question. What does it say?
Mark the correct letter A, B or C on your answer sheet.
A. Go to the office if you have lost a floppy disc.
B. Make sure all schoolwork is given in on floppy disc to the office.
C. If you have found a floppy disc, please leave it at the office
Correct answer: C
Juan will sell Maria his guitar if she wants it.
Pedro has a guitar which Maria might want to buy.
Juan would prefer to sell his guitar to Pedro.
The homework given out on Friday must be returned by Monday.
Students who wish to hand in their homework on Monday should tell Mr Peters.
Anyone having problems with their homework may have extra time to complete it.
What does Dan have to do?
Remember to make sure his football shirt is clean in time for the match.
Remember where he put the football shirt that he needs for the match.
Remember to wash his football shirt after the match.
What does Sarah need to know?
if Janine will be available to go to the restaurant
if the food at the restaurant will be all right for Janine
if Janine wants to see the restaurant menu before Saturday
Part of the pool is not deep enough for diving.
Diving is forbidden in all areas of the pool.
The far end of the pool is reserved for divers only.
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Tài khoản MonKa
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Câu đúng
Được học TẤT CẢ các khóa
Trả một lần, học trọn đời
Kích hoạt ngay, học được luôn
Miễn phí ship thẻ toàn quốc
Giá gốc
1,200,000 đ
Giá bán
299,000 đ
Tư vấn qua Messenger
Trò chuyện qua Zalo