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B1 Preliminary for Schools
Maria Anderson
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You will hear a radio interview with a champion gymnast called Maria Anderson.
For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Maria decided to take up gymnastics
at a gymnastics competition
in a sports lesson at the school
when she read a book about a gymnast
When did Maria realise she could be champion gymnast?
when she won some local competitions
as soon as she started to practise gymnastics
when a well-known coach offered to teach her
Why does Maria think success has not changed her life?
She believes she's a sensible person
Her parents help her live a normal life.
People tell her she's the same as before
What does Maria say about school?
She feels too tired to study
She has little time with school friends.
She is allowed to miss some lessons.
What does Maria do in her free time?
make videos
go to concerts
watch cartoon films
What is Maria's favourite thing in her room at home?
a poster of a band with a singer
a glass case with her cups and prizes
a picture of herself with another gymnast
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