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B1 Preliminary for Schools
Indoor climbing centre
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You will hear an interview with a teenager called Simon about going to an indoor climbing centre that has a climbing wall.
For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Simon's mum decided to take him to the climbing centre because
she had enjoyed going there.
her friend had recommended it.
Simon had been there with his' school.
Before he went to the centre. Simon was
worried about going climbing there
interested in seeing the climbing wall
disappointed to hear it was all indoors.
Simon says that at the centre there were
lots of people when it opened
many different types of people
no other people his age
What did Simon think about the climbing wall?
He thought it looked very high
He was afraid he might fall
He found the foot holes helpful
Why was Simon unhappy with his first climb?
He was slower than everyone else
He found it hurt his arms
He didn't get to the top
What does Simon feel he learnt from climbing at the centre?
how to improve his fitness
to think before he does something
the best way to work with other people
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