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Bài giảng
Reading & Writing
Trang chủ
A2 Key for Schools
Reading & Writing
Women's bicycle for sale
For each question, choose the correct answer.
The bicycle that's for sale was built for a child.
Some parts of the bicycle must be changed.
Debbie is selling the bike because she's too big for it now
Tim thinks Ben should look on the concert website.
Tim hopes that Ben will be able to come with him.
Tim wants to know if Ben can pay him back today.
You get into the park by going this way.
It is more expensive to go here alone.
You will have fun if you come with friends.
Emma knows that Lynne can't be at the party when it starts.
Emma wants to go to the party a bit later than Lynne.
Emma wants to go out with Lynne but not to the party.
The ice cream shop is open for only 2 hours.
Two ice creams will cost the same as one
You can get free ice creams all afternoon.
Why did Sophie write this message?
to check if Anna has completed her homework
to let Anna know what they did in class today
to ask Anna to contact her about the homework
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1,200,000 đ
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299,000 đ
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