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What does Sally say to the journalist?

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Complete the conversation. What does Sally say to the journalist?

Journalist: Hi, Mary. Sorry I'm late
Sally: (D) If you like. What do you want to know?

A. That's right, I did. I ran out and saw a tree fall on the house.
B. When I was tired, yes
C. At eleven most nights
D. If you like. What do you want to know?
E. That's the sad thing It's been in the garden for about two hundred years and many birds lived in it.
F. I'm not sure, but it was after I went to bed.
G. I don't know. About ten minutes
H. I was at first, until I saw nobody was hurt
1. Journalist: When did the thunderstorm start?
2. Journalist: And when do you usually go to bed?
3. Journalist: So before you went to sleep, you heard a noise in the garden?
4. Journalist: Were you afraid?
5. Journalist: And how old was the tree?

Journalist: Well, it's an interest story .Thanks for talk, to me.